

Please write to us if you are interested to join IGP-CARE for research and education. we are looking for:

  1. Resident Engineer/research associate/Technician (1 post) – minimum requirement is to have a  Bachelor degree  in Science, Technology or Engineering with interest in instrument maintenance, new instrument development, lab experiment and data analysis. Salaries negotiable, free accommodation, meals and vehicle with driver for local travel. Person will be required to stay at the site  lab or guest hostel during all the time.
  2. Resident postdoc (3 post)- minimum requirement is to have a  PhD degree  in Science, Technology or Engineering in the area of  atmospheric pollution or aerosol science & Tech. with interest in lab and field experiments and , new instrument development, and data analysis. The recruitment will be done by IIT Kanpur (1 post) and IIT Delhi (1 Post) and BHU (1 post) professors in collaboration with IGP-CARE Principal Investigator.  Salaries as per IITs standards,  additionally free accommodation, meals and vehicle with driver for local travel. Person will be required to stay 50% time at the IGP-CARE  site guest hostel and 50% at the recruiting IIT and work for the hiring professor’s project at the IIT.
  3. We are open to accommodate trainee students  for their  Bachelor, Master or PhD thesis works/projects or summer projects. Students are required to stay at the site at least 50% of the time. Please write to the Principal Investigator of IGP-CARE for more details.